Rebesa ECO campaign

At Rebesa we have launched a campaign to reduce, reuse and recycle packaging in our sector.

Currently, the problem of pollution and the implementation of sustainable habits is something that worries a large part of the population, especially because some of the negative consequences that can arise when the environment is not properly cared for are already visible.

Principle: Reused packaging = Avoided waste!

For this reason, Rebesa implements a direct action called REBESA ECO, on the packaging and plastics used during commercial activity, to obtain a very effective and direct effect in reducing the generation of packaging waste.

Our principles are:

• REDUCE, use the smallest possible amount of packaging, especially plastic, to ship our merchandise.

• REUSE those we receive from factories and other suppliers as a way to prevent waste, since by reusing objects we reduce the use of material and energy resources and reduce pollution and capital degradation much more than by recycling. Reuse has great value for sustainable development and generates environmental, social and economic benefits.

• RECYCLE, always in a safe, organized and certain way so that no waste ends up damaging our ecosystem and our habitat.
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