What is the chemical composition of a motorcycle battery?

A motorcycle battery has the purpose of providing starting, voltage stabilizing and complementary electrical energy for the inefficient charging system. Motors of various sizes require different battery capacities. The amount of lead inside its plates indicates the specific capacity.
Battery housing
The casing is divided into cells or sections where lead, an active component, accumulates. 6 volt batteries have 3 cells of 2 volts each. The twelve consist of 6 sections that make a total of 12.7 volts. The surface of its plates is what regulates the performance of the starting current. For the entire process to be possible, it is necessary to know its chemical components that are transformed into energy.
Chemical composition of a motorcycle battery
The battery ions can be positively or negatively charged and are transmitted from the corresponding groups of plates. The transfer occurs through non-conductive permeable separators. In this process of ion movement, the acid in water also changes.
During discharge, the ratio of acid to water decreases the density of the electrolyte solution. This process is done in reverse in the loading processes. GE increases as a result of the conversion of water into acid. GE measurements are performed on conventional batteries where the electrolyte in the plugs can be accessed.
Impact on discharged batteries of their chemical components
In the event that the battery discharges and the GE switches to more water and less acid, sulfation begins. Lead sulfate coats the cell plates, affecting chemical reactions. It is important to charge the battery immediately to prevent it from advancing and damaging the battery, leading to replacement.
On the other hand, the decrease in electrolyte density inside the batteries causes corrosion of the lead plates and connections. Although they induce a portion of current, it is usually not enough for the level necessary for starting. In the most severe cases, a sudden battery failure occurs.
In highly discharged batteries, the electrolytes can freeze and the cause is the increase in water in them. Freezing is a direct consequence of low density conditions.
Other data of interest
There are motorcycle batteries whose composition is based on lead, the usual drawback of which is the impact on the environment. Others with greater resistance are lithium ones, which lose effectiveness at low temperatures. Finally, Gel ones add a compound to thicken the electrolyte and make its movement more difficult.

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